Court Marriage in Ghaziabad | Rs 1800 | +91 82877 72088

If you’re living in Ghaziabad and willing to get married then you’re at the right place. In this discussion, we’re going to examine the most important details which are related to court marriage in Ghaziabad. Court Marriage is a legal way to get married. If 2 persons are willing to get married to each other and they’re eligible also then the law and jurisdiction of the country allow them to get married with their consent. 

The Law of the nation doesn’t differentiate between the people via caste, religion, or any other basis. The only rule and eligibility of getting married for 2 persons is mutual consent. Court marriage work is not easy to do but with the availability of an expert, people can easily perform it without hindrances. That’s why people hire court marriage lawyers so that their marriage will get successfully done without any hindrances. 

In this discussion, we’re going to examine the data related to court marriage in Ghaziabad and tell you everything about court marriage. So, if you’re willing to know about court marriage but don’t have detailed knowledge regarding this then this discussion is for you. In this discussion, you’ll get a complete analysis of the Court marriage in Ghaziabad. So, without wasting any time let’s get started. 

What is Court Marriage in Ghaziabad?

Court marriage is a legal way to get married where the 2 parties will get married with mutual acceptance. Here, the parties will have to show the court that they’re completely eligible to get married. The court will ask for the required document and verify whether the parties are eligible or not? 

If the parties are completely eligible then the court allows the completion of marriage and hence the couple will be recognized as the married couple in future times. Court marriage attains plenty of benefits which the couple will get enjoyed after the completion of court marriage. Let’s see some of the major benefits which the couple will enjoy are discussed below. 

Benefits of Court Marriage in Ghaziabad?

There are plenty of major benefits which the couple will get enjoyed after the completion of Ghaziabad. 

  • For performing court marriage in Ghaziabad the party will have to pay heavy charges. The whole procedure of marriage will be completed at nominal fees. You just gave the Court marriage in Ghaziabad fees to the court and hence your marriage is done with very nominal fees. 
  • The whole procedure of court marriage will be done in 30 days. You just have to apply for the out marriage and on the date, after 30 days the marriage will get completed.  Also, people can apply for urgent court marriage in Ghaziabad, where the marriages get completed only in 2-3 hours. 
  • The couple will get global recognition with the help of a dedicated certificate which is provided by the court to the couple after the completion of the court marriage. The marriage certificate which is issued by the court is acceptable globally and can be used as a verifying document of marriage.

And many others…..

To avail of all these benefits, the couple will have to become eligible. There are some eligibility criteria that the couple has to fulfill for getting married. Let’s the detailed eligibility criteria for performing a court marriage in Ghaziabad. 

Eligibility criteria of court marriage in Ghaziabad?

Some eligibility is important to get fulfilled and then only, the couple will get married legally. The eligibility requirements are very common and easy to fulfill. Let’s see the eligibility criteria which you have to fulfill for completing the court marriage in Ghaziabad. 

  • Both parties would have crossed the legal age of marriage. The legal age of marriage for applying for court marriage in India is about 21 years if you’re a boy and the minimum age of marriage for a girl is about 18 years. So, if both parties have crossed the minimum age of marriage then they’re eligible to get married. 
  • The residency of both parties or one of the parties must be in Ghaziabad. If you’re applying for court marriage in Ghaziabad then you must be a resident of Ghaziabad. So, in your address proof, your address available should be in Ghaziabad. 
  • Both parties would be completely sound minds. If one of the parties belongs to an unsound mind then the whole marriage becomes void and you may face all the possible legal consequences also. 
  • The consent of both parties is also one of the most important eligibility which you have to take care of. The court marriage application which is applied by the couple should attain the consent of both the parties.  If it is found that the marriage is not done with the consent of both parties then the guilty party faces the possible consequences and every legal action will be taken against him. 
  • The marital status of both parties who’ve applied for court marriage in Ghaziabad should be single. If one of the parties is engaged in a relationship and also applied for court marriage in Ghaziabad then it is a punishable offense. The marriage becomes void and the guilty party faces all the legal consequences and actions taken by the court. 
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So, these are eligibility that everyone has to fulfill to become eligible for completing the Court Marriage in Ghaziabad. 

Documentation in Court marriage in Ghaziabad?

There are plenty of documents that are required for completing the court marriage in Ghaziabad. The complete list of documentation that is required in the court marriage in Ghaziabad is listed below. 

Application for

The application form is a document that attains columns in which the court asks for details of both parties. Under this application form photos, name, ID other details of both parties are required. This application form is available in the court or you can also download the application form and print it. 

With the help of the application form, the court will get an exact idea of the details of the parties. You just make sure that all the details entered into the application form should be genuine. Also, don’t forget the place your signatures (both bride and groom) on the application form. 

Age proof

According to the law of the country, 2 parties only get married with the acceptance of the court only if they have crossed the legal age of marriage. In India, the legal age of marriage for a boy is set to 21 years, and in the case of a girl the minimum age of getting married is 18 years. 

You may have to show your PAN card, Passport, Matriculation certificate, birth certificate, and any other government-recognized document which attains your age. 

Address Proof

Address proof documents are the next most important document which everyone has to show to the marriage registrar at the time of marriage. For completing the Court Marriage in Ghaziabad, you have to ensure that your residency should be in Ghaziabad. 

You may show your Aadhar card, Driving license, Passport, rent agreement, and electricity bill in your name as an owner or any legal document which attains your address. 


Witnesses are the eye suspects of your marriage. For completing your court marriage in Ghaziabad, both parties must have at least 1 witness with them. A witness can be anyone like your family members, friend, relatives, or anyone who has a relationship with you. 


Both parties would have to bring 2-3 photos which must be available in passport size. These photos are required for the photo identification of both parties. 

These are the documents that are compulsorily required for the completion of court marriage in Ghaziabad. Some other documents are required which are not compulsory but mandatory in specified situations. 

  • If one of the parties is divorced previously then he/she will have to show the divorce certificate to prove that he/she is not in a relationship with anyone. 
  • If one of the parties is a widow or spouse they also have to show the death certificate of their former partner. 
  • If your family members are not available in your marriage as your witness then both parties should have issued a dedicated affidavit. 
  • If one of the parties belongs to another religion then the party will have to get converted into the religion and also have to show the conversion certificate to the court. 
  • If one of the parties belongs to another nation the n VISA and another legal document of the party are also required. 

So, here we discussed the documents which are used in court marriage in Ghaziabad. For getting the best guidance regarding the documentation of court marriage in Ghaziabad, book your appointment with our officials and get personal guidance regarding the documentation. 

The procedure of court marriage in Ghaziabad?

The complete procedure of court marriage in Ghaziabad is divided into 2 different parts. In India, court marriage can be performed in many ways because people from various religions are living here. But, on an overall basis, the classification of court marriage in Ghaziabad is divided into 2 different parts

  • By Special marriage Act, 1954
  • By Hindu marriage Act, 1955
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These acts play the role of a regulatory system that attains the set of rules and regulations to regulate court marriage in Ghaziabad in a proper way. Let’s discuss both types of marriage acts and try to identify what is different between these acts. 

Court marriage in Ghaziabad under the Special marriage act, 1954

If 2 persons are willing to get married and belong to different castes or religions then they perform their court marriage under the special marriage act, of 1954. Under this act, the couple will just have to arrange all the documents and visit the court for the registration of marriage. Now, see the steps below to know more:- 

  • Firstly, the couple should have to meet a dedicated professional lawyer. After meeting with the professional lawyer, hire associates and perform prior counseling sessions. 
  • Now, visit the court and get the application form. Fill out the application form consciously and make sure that both parts should place their signature on it. 
  • Visit the court and make an appointment with the marriage registrar. The marriage registrar will verify all the documents and announce the objection period of 30 days. So, the couple will have to wait for 30 days for the completion of the marriage. 
  • After the completion of 30 days, the couple will have to revisit the court and again verify the documents. After that, the marriage registrar will accept the marriage request and console your marriage. 

After the completion of your marriage, the marriage registrar will issue a certificate to the couple which is called a marriage certificate. 

Court marriage Ghaziabad by Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

Under the Hindu marriage act, the marriage is done between the parties who belong to the Hindu religion. People from Sikh, Budh and Jain religions can also perform their marriage under the Hindu marriage act. Under this act, marriage is done by following all the traditional rituals and traditions which are followed under Hinduism. Let’s see the exact steps of getting married under this Act below:- 

  • Firstly, the couple will have to meet with a highly professional and genuine lawyer. Complete your counseling and marriage documents guided by your lawyer. 
  • Once all the documents get arranged then buy an application form and apply for court marriage in Ghaziabad. 
  • Now, visit the court and verify your documents. After examining the documents, the marriage registrar will announce the objection period of 30 days.  
  • On the 30th day, visit the court and meet with the marriage registrar. He will guide you to perform your marriage traditionally at the government-authorized Arya Samaj mandir. 
  • Make sure that the mandir you’re selecting for your marriage is real and authorized by the government. Otherwise, you may face difficulties during your marriage registration. 
  • Complete your traditional marriage in the Arya Samaj mandir and after the completion of your marriage visit the court again. 
  • Once you visit the court then the marriage registrar will verify that your marriage is done successfully or not. 
  • If he found anything wrong then he has the complete authority to can your marriage registration. So, make sure to avoid any kind of mistake during your court marriage. 

If everything is right, the marriage registrar will issue a dedicated marriage certificate to the couple which proves that the marriages are completed and verified by the jurisdiction of the nation. 

So, here we discussed how you can perform your marriage under various categories. If you’re willing to perform Muslim marriage then you can easily perform it under the Special marriage act, of 1954. But, if you’re willing to perform a “Nikah” marriage then you can also apply for a Nikah court marriage in Ghaziabad. 

If you’re from the Muslim religion and willing to get married under Nikah court marriage in Ghaziabad then follow the steps below:- 
Firstly, meet with our highly professional lawyer and complete your counseling session. Now, the families of both parties meet together and decide the date of the nikah. On the date of the nikah, all the rituals will be followed and the nikah will be completed under the availability of all the family members. Now, the couple will have to visit the court with all the documents and apply for court marriage. The marriage registrar will verify the details and complete the marriage. The couple will get their marriage certificate after some time and they’ll get recognized as a married couple. 

Court marriage in Ghaziabad fees 

The court marriage fees in Ghaziabad is fluctuating from time to time. There are plenty of marriage associates who make fools of their customers and charge heavy charges to them. 

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We’re working as the most reputed and popular court marriage associates in Ghaziabad. Our policy is to serve the best services to our customers. We’ve completed thousands of court marriages in Ghaziabad and we can bet that no one can beat us. Our policy is to serve the best quality services to our customers so that they get satisfied completely with our services. 

We always ensure that our customers get facilitated with our best services and that’s why we’re ranked as the award-winning associates for court marriage. We work with highly professional and expert lawyers who have a great level of experience and have completed their education with highly recognized institutes. 

We charge the most nominal court marriage fees in Ghaziabad and provide the most premium services in it. We promise to keep the data of our customers safe with us and not misuse it in any condition. Now, if you’re looking for an associate who has the best potential to complete your court marriage in Ghaziabad work then we’re here for you. 

Our charges for completing the court marriage in Ghaziabad regarding court marriage in Ghaziabad fees are about Rs. 1800, where you don’t have to pay any kind of hidden or extra charges. So, don’t wait to call us on 8287772088 to book your appointment or visit our center Ch. no. 756 A, First Floor Western Wing, Tis Hazari, Delhi, 110054



Completing the court marriage associates is not an easy task. In Ghaziabad, you have to complete some steps to complete the court marriage procedure

  • Visit the court and fill out the application form.
  • Collect all the documents and rift them from the registrar.
  • Complete the further formalities.
  • Check your status online if you applied online.
  • If you have applied offline, you don't need to wait for 30 days and after applying offline that date of applying to 30 days you can go for registration to Ghaziabad court marriage status.

You'll get a notification if your marriage gets completed.

We have the service which is one of the most reputed and highly affordable services in Ghaziabad. We provide the services of court marriage to our customers at very reasonable pricing. Our services are highly secure and collaborative and we assure our clients that we never share their data with any third-party platform.

To contact us you can easily call us on 8287772088. Our court marriage official will talk to you and you can easily book your appointment from us on call. Also, we provide free consultancy services to our clients.

If you're living in Ghaziabad and want to perform your court marriage with your partner then make sure to hire a court marriage associate which is economical. Court marriage service is not a very expensive service so there is no need to pay higher charges to the marriage associates.

The normal charges of completing the court marriage for a decent and reputed court marriage associate come under the range of 7000/- to 10000/-. With this cost, you don't have to pay any extra charges like hidden costs or any other extra costs.

If you're in Ghaziabad and want to complete your court marriage then you can call us on 8287772088 or you can also visit our office which is at Ch. no. 756 A, First Floor Western Wing, Tis Hazari, Delhi, 110054. This is our office address and the main head office of our associates.

We're always welcoming you and getting change from you to serve you the best services which we have. When you visit our office then we start your counseling under which we tell you about the documentation rules and regulations which you have to follow for completing the court marriage.

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